Spell-A-Day: Void Slam

Void Slam

Arcana: Akyrus (Void)
Target: Single (Indirect)
Range: Standard
Duration: Instant
Focus: A hollow piece of amethyst
Class: Offensive

Common Modifiers

  • Does Not Work Againts Impenetrable Magical Defenses or Coldiron Resistant Protection; Every 5 Power Defense = +1 CON Roll (-1/2)
  • Spell (+0)
  • Does Knockback (+1/4)
  • Indirect (Source Point can vary from use to use, path is from Source Point to target; +1/2)


The shaper forcefully pulls all of the essence away from the target which then immediately snaps back into place, shocking the target’s very soul. The target is Stunned if he fails a CON Roll, modified by the power of the spell. The target makes the CON Roll immediately. If the target has Power Defense, add +1 to the CON Roll per 5 Power Defense. A Stunned target may attempt another CON Roll every phase with a cumulative +1 until he succeeds. Additionally, the spell disorients the target, making it difficult for them to percieve her surroundings.

Knockback is equal to EFF of the spell minus 2d6. If the number is positive, multiply by 2m to determine Knockback: (EFF – 2d6)*2m.

3 Change Environment (+5 to CON Roll, Stunning)
4 Change Environment (+4 to CON Roll, Stunning)
5 Change Environment (+3 to CON Roll, Stunning)
6 Change Environment (+2 to CON Roll, Stunning)
7 Change Environment (Stunning)
8 Change Environment (-2 to CON Roll, Stunning)
9 Change Environment (-3 to CON Roll, Stunning)
10 Change Environment (-4 to CON Roll, Stunning)
11 Change Environment (-5 to CON Roll, Stunning)
12 Change Environment (-7 to CON Roll, Stunning)
13 Change Environment (-9 to CON Roll, Stunning)

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