Spell-A-Day: Sense Truth

Sense Truth

This blessing bestows the target with the ability to separate falsehood from truth in any communication she hears. The target may not understand what is being communicated, but the target will know whether that is truth or not. Use of the blessing does require an INT Roll, which is reduced by -1 per point of Power Defense (vs. Magic) active on the speaker.

Enaros: Toletren
Target: Single
Range: No Range/Hearing
Duration: Blessing
Class: Utility (Restricted)

Common Modifiers

  • Orison (+0)
  • Time Limit (Blessing; Persistent or Continuing-effect Power; +0)
  • Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)
  • Usable On Others (+1/2)
  • Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2)
  • Power Defense Subtracts From The Roll (-1/4)
1 Detect Falsehood +0 (Hearing Group)
2 Detect Falsehood +4 (Hearing Group)
3 Detect Falsehood +8 (Hearing Group)
4 Detect Falsehood +11 (Hearing Group)
5 Detect Falsehood +15 (Hearing Group)
6 Detect Falsehood +19 (Hearing Group)
7 Detect Falsehood +23 (Hearing Group)
8 Detect Falsehood +26 (Hearing Group)

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