Spell-A-Day: Invisibility


This spell makes the target invisible. At lower EFF the target must remain still and the Invisibility only affects normal sight. At the highest EFF the Invisibility is almost impossible to detect.

Arcana: Apatus (Light)
Target: Single
Range: No Range
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: A bat’s eye
Class: Utility (Restricted)

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
  • Usable On Others (+1/2)
3 Blending: Invisibility to Sight Group ; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Normal Sight Only (-1/2), Chameleon (-1/2)
4 Lesser Unseen: Invisibility to Sight Group ; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Normal Sight Only (-1/2)
5 Lesser Invisibility: Invisibility to Sight Group ; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2)
6 Bend Light: Invisibility to Sight Group ; Bright Fringe (-1/4)
6 Unseen: Invisibility to Sight Group, No Fringe; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Normal Sight Only (-1/2)
8 Unseen True: Invisibility to Sight Group, No Fringe; Only When Not Attacking (-1/2)
8 Invisibility True: Invisibility to Sight Group


Spell-A-Day: Nosmiatic Affectation

Nosmiatic Affectation

This spell allows the shaper to mimic any scent or to eliminate scent altogether. When the spell is learned the shaper must choose 4 scents and a group of scents that she can emulate.

Arcana: Apatus (Perception)
Target: Single
Range: No Range
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: A dab of scented oil
Class: Utility (Restricted)

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
  • Usable On Others (+1/2)
1 Single Scent: Shape Shift (Smell/Taste Group), Only To Create Single Scent Learned When Spell Is Learned (+0)
2 Multiscent: Shape Shift (Smell/Taste Group, four scents learned when spell is learned), Only To Create Single Scent Learned When Spell Is Learned (+0)
3 Variscent: Shape Shift (Smell/Taste Group, limited group of scents learned when spell is learned)
5 Anyscent: Shape Shift (Smell/Taste Group, any scent)
4 Anosmia: Invisibility to Smell/Taste Group
8 Anosmia True: Invisibility to Smell/Taste Group, No Fringe

Spell-A-Day: Silence


This spell creates a sphere at range that stops all sound in the target area. Once established, the area of effect cannot be moved.

Arcana: Apatus (Perception)
Target: Area
Range: Standard
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: A tight wad of cotton
Class: Offensive

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
1 Darkness to Hearing Group 1m radius
2 Darkness to Hearing Group 2m radius
3 Darkness to Hearing Group 3m radius
4 Darkness to Hearing Group 5m radius
5 Darkness to Hearing Group 6m radius
6 Darkness to Hearing Group 7m radius
7 Darkness to Hearing Group 8m radius
8 Darkness to Hearing Group 9m radius
10 Darkness to Hearing Group 11m radius
11 Darkness to Hearing Group 12m radius
12 Darkness to Hearing Group 13m radius
13 Darkness to Hearing Group 15m radius

Spell-A-Day: Soundshell


This spell creates a sphere that stops all sound. The interior of the sphere is not affected, only a 10cm “wall” surrounding a single target or object. The soundshell will move with the target or object, but cannot otherwise be moved.

Arcana: Apatus (Perception)
Target: Single or Object
Range: No Range
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: An ear-sized glass bowl
Class: Offensive

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
  • Area Of Effect (Empty Sphere, Mobile; +1)
  • No Range (-1/2)
1 Darkness to Hearing Group 1m radius
+1 plus +1m radius

Spell-A-Day: Mute


This spell prevents the target from vocalizing in any way by physically blocking sound production. It does not prevent the target from hearing. When the Attack Roll is successful the target makes a CON Roll, reducing the number of segments of Flash by 1 per point of success. A Critical Success on the CON Roll negates the effect entirely.

Arcana: Apatus (Perception)
Target: Single
Range: Standard
Duration: Instant
Focus: A leather strap
Class: Offensive

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Only Prevents The Target From Vocalizing (+0)
  • Attack Versus Alternate Defense (CON Roll; -1/2)
  • Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2)
1 Hearing Group Flash 2d6
2 Hearing Group Flash 4d6
3 Hearing Group Flash 5d6
4 Hearing Group Flash 7d6
5 Hearing Group Flash 9d6
6 Hearing Group Flash 10d6
7 Hearing Group Flash 12d6
8 Hearing Group Flash 14d6
9 Hearing Group Flash 15d6
10 Hearing Group Flash 17d6
12 Hearing Group Flash 20d6
13 Hearing Group Flash 22d6

Spell-A-Day: Longvoice


This spell enables the target to throw her voice to any 1/2m radius area within line of sight with a volume any where from normal speaking voice to painful volume if desired.

Arcana: Apatus (Perception)
Target: Single/Area
Range: Line of Sight
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: A small funnel
Class: Utility

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • LOS (+1/2)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
1 Whisper to Raised Voice: Hearing Group Images, PER +1; Only To Create Whatever Sounds The Target Speaks (-1 1/2)
2 Maximum Human Volume: Hearing Group Images, PER +3; Only To Create Whatever Sounds The Target Speaks (-1 1/2)
3 Piercing: Hearing Group Images, PER +5; Only To Create Whatever Sounds The Target Speaks (-1 1/2)
4 Deafening: Hearing Group Images, PER +7; Only To Create Whatever Sounds The Target Speaks (-1 1/2)
+1 plus Hearing Group Flash 1d6, Only On EFF 4+ (+0), Time Limit (Enchantment; Instant Power (Adjusted); +1/4)
+2 plus Hearing Group Flash 2d6, Only On EFF 4+ (+0), Time Limit (Enchantment; Instant Power (Adjusted); +1/4)
+4 plus Hearing Group Flash 3d6, Only On EFF 4+ (+0), Time Limit (Enchantment; Instant Power (Adjusted); +1/4)
+5 plus Hearing Group Flash 4d6, Only On EFF 4+ (+0), Time Limit (Enchantment; Instant Power (Adjusted); +1/4)
+6 plus Hearing Group Flash 5d6, Only On EFF 4+ (+0), Time Limit (Enchantment; Instant Power (Adjusted); +1/4)
+7 plus Hearing Group Flash 6d6, Only On EFF 4+ (+0), Time Limit (Enchantment; Instant Power (Adjusted); +1/4)
+8 plus Hearing Group Flash 7d6, Only On EFF 4+ (+0), Time Limit (Enchantment; Instant Power (Adjusted); +1/4)

Spell-A-Day: Masque


This spell alters the target’s appearance and other sensory qualities to the shaper’s will to match a specific person’s appearance with perfect accuracy if the shaper has studied the subject and has a physical piece of the subject as well (e.g., bit of hair, bodily fluids, some skin, etc.). Although the target can appear to be anywhere from 1-3m tall, only an actual 10% change in in height and mass is possible even when the Touch Group is included. Once the target’s appearance shifts the spell must be reshaped to alter the appearance. Either the shaper or the target can end the spell at will.

Arcana: Sarkus (Flesh)
Target: Single
Range: No Range
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: A small cosmetic mirror
Class: Utility

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Usable On Others (+1/2)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
  • Requires A Piece Of The Subject To Be Imitated (-1/2)
  • Shaper Must Have Observes Subject For 1 Minute At Some Point In Time (-1/2)
  • Prerequisite: Must Know Seeming Spell (+0)
4 Visual Form: Shape Shift (Sight Group, any humanoid), Imitation; Affects Body Only (-1/2)
5 Visual Shape: Shape Shift (Sight Group, any humanoid), Imitation
5 Simple Form: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing and Smell/Taste Groups, any humanoid), Imitation; Affects Body Only (-1/2)
6 Simple Shape: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing and Smell/Taste Groups, any humanoid), Imitation
6 Perfect Form: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups, any humanoid), Imitation, Makeover; Affects Body Only (-1/2)
7 Detailed Shape: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups, any humanoid), Imitation
8 Perfect Shape: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups, any humanoid), Imitation, Makeover
8 Masque True: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste, Touch and Mental Groups, any humanoid), Cellular, Imitation, Makeover; Affects Body Only (-1/2)

Image © Warner Bros. Pictures

Spell-A-Day: Seeming


This spell alters the target’s appearance and other sensory qualities to the shaper’s will. However, matching a specific person’s appearance is not possible. An approximate appearance can be made that can be further reinforced with the Disguise skill. Although the target can appear to be anywhere from 1-3m tall, only an actual 10% change in in height and mass is possible even when the Touch Group is included. Once the target’s appearance shifts the spell must be reshaped to alter the appearance. Either the shaper or the target can end the spell at will.

Arcana: Apatus (Perception)
Target: Single
Range: No Range
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: A small piece of someone else’s clothing
Class: Utility

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Usable On Others (+1/2)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
3 Shape Shift (Sight Group), Only Into Single Humanoid Form Learned When Spell Is Learned (+0)
4 Shape Shift (Sight and Smell/Taste Groups), Only Into Single Humanoid Form Learned When Spell Is Learned (+0)
5 Shape Shift (Sight Group, any humanoid)
6 Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing and Smell/Taste Groups), Only Into Single Humanoid Form Learned When Spell Is Learned (+0)
8 Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing and Smell/Taste Groups, any humanoid)
8 Shape Shift (Sight and Smell/Taste Groups, any humanoid), Makeover
8 Shape Shift (Sight, Touch and Smell/Taste Groups, any humanoid)
8 Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups), Only Into Single Humanoid Form Learned When Spell Is Learned (+0)


Image Links: 1, 2

Spell-A-Day: Mobile Light

Mobile Light

This spell creates a movable light from any part of the light spectrum in the target area. Once created, the light can be moved at will or can be defined to follow the shaper.

Arcana: Apatus (Light)
Target: Area
Range: Limited
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: A piece of burnt lantern wick
Class: Utility

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
  • Limited Range (-1/4)
  • Only To Create Light (-1)

2 Dim Light: Sight Group Images, PER +2 to 2m, PER +1 to 4m, Area Of Effect (4m Radius Explosion; +1/4), Mobile (12m per Phase; +1/2)
3 Close Light: Sight Group Images, PER +4 to 1m, PER +3 to 2m, PER +2 to 3m, PER +1 to 4m, Area Of Effect (4m Radius Explosion; +1/4), Mobile (12m per Phase; +1/2)
4 Room Light: Sight Group Images, PER +4 to 2m, PER +3 to 4m, PER +2 to 6m, PER +1 to 8m, Area Of Effect (8m Radius Explosion; +1/2), Mobile (12m per Phase; +1/2)
5 Area Light: Sight Group Images, PER +4 to 8m, PER +3 to 16m, PER +2 to 24m, PER +1 to 32m, Area Of Effect (32m Radius Explosion; +1), Mobile (12m per Phase; +1/2)
6 Field Light: Sight Group Images, PER +4 to 32m, PER +3 to 64m, PER +2 to 96m, PER +1 to 128m, Area Of Effect (128m Radius Explosion; +1 1/2), Mobile (12m per Phase; +1/2)
7 Strategic Light: Sight Group Images, PER +4 to 64m, PER +3 to 128m, PER +2 to 192m, PER +1 to 256m, Area Of Effect (256m Radius Explosion; +2 1/4), Mobile (48m per Phase; +1)
8 Daylight: Sight Group Images, PER +4 to 256m, PER +3 to 512m, PER +2 to 784m, PER +1 to 1024m, Area Of Effect (1024m Radius Explosion; +2 3/4), Mobile (48m per Phase; +1)


Spell-A-Day: Ambient Light

Ambient Light

This spell creates light at a fixed point in space from any part of the light spectrum in the target area.

Arcana: Apatus (Light)
Target: Area
Range: Standard
Duration: Enchantment
Focus: A piece of burnt candle wick
Class: Utility

Common Modifiers

  • Spell (+0)
  • Time Limit (Enchantment; Constant Power; +1/4)
  • Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4)
  • Only To Create Light (-1)
2 Dimmest Light: Sight Group Images, PER +1 to 16m, Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4)
3 Dim Light: Sight Group Images, PER +3 to 5m, PER +2 to 10m, PER +1 to 16m, Area Of Effect (16m Radius Explosion; +1/4)
4 Moderate Light: Sight Group Images, PER +4 to 4m, PER +3 to 8m, PER +2 to 12m, PER +1 to 16m, Area Of Effect (16m Radius Explosion; +1/4)
4 Area Light: Sight Group Images, PER +4 to 8m, PER +3 to 16m, PER +2 to 24m, PER +1 to 32m, Area Of Effect (32m Radius Explosion; +1/2)
5 Field Light: Sight Group Images, PER +4 to 32m, PER +3 to 64m, PER +2 to 96m, PER +1 to 128m, Area Of Effect (128m Radius Explosion; +1)
6 Strategic Light: Sight Group Images, PER +4 to 64m, PER +3 to 128m, PER +2 to 192m, PER +1 to 256m, Area Of Effect (256m Radius Explosion; +1 1/4)
7 Daylight: Sight Group Images, PER +4 to 256m, PER +3 to 512m, PER +2 to 784m, PER +1 to 1024m, Area Of Effect (1024m Radius Explosion; +2 3/4), Mobile (48m per Phase; +1)